#WCW – Veronika Scott- Superwoman of Sleeping- Bags

“I really believe that people can tackle far more than they think they can” – Scott

Every day the rising sun brings new beginnings, an opportunity to redefine yourself. I get jazzed up at the mere thought of it. Envisioning all the possibilities, the ways we can grow and create. The ways we can change our colors like karma karma karma chameleons. Our ability to adapt & flow is monumental in our success & evolution.

A stunning example of this is the Superwoman of Sleeping-Bags and my Woman Crush Wednesday, Veronika Scott.

Veronika Scott

Veronika Scott founded, The Empowerment Plan, which is a Detroit based Non-profit that employs and supports the homeless community of 20,000 people. Scott creates sustainable solutions to help break the cycle of poverty along with renewing hope by hiring, training and providing work for women struggling on the streets to make her amazing Sleeping Bag Coat. Talk about Feel Good Fashion!!! Scott’s goal is to, “give them the power to take control of the life they want to lead”.


I am so inspired by her unwavering perseverance and her ability to stay positive in the face of discouraging words that were yelled at her by one woman in the homeless community. “Your coats don’t matter, jobs matter. We need jobs, not coats”, instead of letting it get her down, Veronika realized the woman was right and this sparked her idea to hire homeless woman to make the Sleeping Bag Coats. Brilliant!


Lindsay and I resonated strongly with what Scott is building in the world and the adversity that she has faced growing up as a child of an addict. Too often people are judged and labeled based on their upbringing, looks, what they are doing or not doing.

In our travels we have seen devastatingly extreme poverty and how hard it is to climb out of difficult situations, especially alone and under harsh criticism . With just a little help, hope and direction a life can be entirely transformed for the better. The truth is, we are all the same. We are all longing for acceptance, love and the ability to take care of ourselves.

Much like Veronika Scott, Givebackpackers strive to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Join us in this movement of positive change!

Take a moment to check out her incredible story here, it will give you goosebumps



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