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Getting Back to Giving Back, instead of Selling Out.

I do not believe in Black Friday and I do not believe in Cyber Monday. Today is #GivingTuesday but I believe every day should be a Giving Day. Givebackpackers was not started to sell the world more stuff. It was started on the idea of connecting purpose driven travelers and good causes to the resources they need to do more good in the world. We first introduced the concept of selling handmade goods from around the world after I had some success selling Mexican artisan accessories on Krissy’s etsy shop to raise money for Door of Faith Orphanage in Baja. On our trip around the world last year we collected the most amazing handmade things along the way and began selling them online and at markets and events. It was a lot of work to keep that much inventory organized and to physically manage all of it. I quickly realized the idea of selling stuff did not align with my values and my mission to create meaningful experiences that made an impact. Earlier this summer Krissy and I parted ways as business partners. She kept the stuff and started a new company, Twin Peaks Apparel and the Givebackpackers got back to what we do best, travel! We have made two different trips to Nicaragua, where we are funding a clean water well in a rural village and sponsoring a school with supplies, security, playground equipment and seriously needed upgrades to the school. Each trip had about 5 volunteers from all backgrounds, with the shared goal of traveling with a purpose. (We made plenty of time for fun adventures like... read more

San Diego Givebackpacker: Corinne Aparis of Access Youth Academy

We have done a lot of philanthropic projects abroad because we believe in being more than tourists, we want to do more than just take photos and enjoy the sights, and our money and efforts can go a lot further, but Givebackpackers are GLOBAL, which means we volunteer right in our own communities in need too. Last Saturday Lindsay, Tiffany and Corinne were helping these teens from the Access Youth Academy program at the Mt Hope Community Garden in San Diego. Giving back starts at home. [youtube]   Corinne Aparis is the Academic Coordinator at Access Youth Academy and joined in November 2013 after moving back from India where she was working with a non profit for 8 months.  Originally from San Diego, she pursued her undergraduate degrees in English and International Development at the University of San Francisco in 2010. Throughout Corinne’s time in university and post-grad she worked and did fellowships in South Africa, Uganda, Australia, and India where she supported and coordinated a multitude of social change projects for at-risk youth to immigrant and refugee families. Corinne is a world traveler who lives the givebackpacker lifestyle, make a positive impact wherever she goes, whether it is out in the surf on her home turf beach, giving sage advice to her very lucky girlfriends, or while trekking through jungles and sneaking across borders in the Congo. To support either of these local programs, please visit the sites below, or make a much needed donation of funds or working laptops, as the kids in Corinne’s programs desperately need computers to do their homework and apply for scholarships.... read more

Successfully Funded on Kickstarter! GRACIAS!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped get Givebackpackers to the next step. With the 8k we raised on Kickstarter we were able to begin purchasing inventory from artisans around the world during our 8 week trip. Without your support we would not have had the funds between us to make any extra purchases during our trip. With the capital from Kickstarter, Givebackpackers was able to build relationships and purchase enough handmade items to launch a full line of goods for good! We were able to purchase the software, tools and supplies necessary for growing a successful products based business and are excited to share with you the story and the treasures from our journey, as well as invite you to join us on an adventure some time. Watch our kickstarter video to hear our whole story from the... read more

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    Lorem Ipsum Dolor

    Nunc et vestibulum velit. Suspendisse euismod eros vel urna bibendum gravida. Phasellus et metus nec dui ornare molestie. In consequat urna sed tincidunt euismod. Praesent non pharetra arcu, at tincidunt sapien. Nullam lobortis ultricies bibendum. Duis elit leo, porta vel nisl in, ullamcorper scelerisque velit. Fusce volutpat purus dolor, vel pulvinar dui porttitor sed. Phasellus ac odio eu quam varius elementum sit amet euismod justo.

    Lorem Ipsum Dolor

    Nunc et vestibulum velit. Suspendisse euismod eros vel urna bibendum gravida. Phasellus et metus nec dui ornare molestie. In consequat urna sed tincidunt euismod. Praesent non pharetra arcu, at tincidunt sapien. Nullam lobortis ultricies bibendum. Duis elit leo, porta vel nisl in, ullamcorper scelerisque velit. Fusce volutpat purus dolor, vel pulvinar dui porttitor sed. Phasellus ac odio eu quam varius elementum sit amet euismod justo.

    Lorem Ipsum Dolor

    Nunc et vestibulum velit. Suspendisse euismod eros vel urna bibendum gravida. Phasellus et metus nec dui ornare molestie. In consequat urna sed tincidunt euismod. Praesent non pharetra arcu, at tincidunt sapien. Nullam lobortis ultricies bibendum. Duis elit leo, porta vel nisl in, ullamcorper scelerisque velit. Fusce volutpat purus dolor, vel pulvinar dui porttitor sed. Phasellus ac odio eu quam varius elementum sit amet euismod justo.